
How Do I Make The Default Save In Photoshop A Jpeg

novetan5 • Regular Member • Posts: 253

How to set saving in jpeg as default

In photoshop when y'all want to relieve a file, the default format setting is always "Photoshop". Nearly of my application is to be saved in jpeg. How do I control the format setting to jpeg becomes default equally I wish to cut down one step.

I gone thru all the commands nether Photoshop Preference and don't seems possible to alter the default. Or I may hv missed out.

Tom Axford • Veteran Member • Posts: eight,982

Re: How to set saving in jpeg equally default

novetan5 wrote:

In photoshop when yous want to save a file, the default format setting is ever "Photoshop". Virtually of my application is to exist saved in jpeg. How exercise I command the format setting to jpeg becomes default as I wish to cut down one stride.

I gone thru all the commands under Photoshop Preference and don't seems possible to change the default. Or I may hv missed out.

Use "Save" if you wish to save the current land of your editing in PS (so you can resume editing at some later on time).

Utilise "Export" if you lot wish to create a jpeg, or tiff, etc.

OP novetan5 • Regular Member • Posts: 253

Re: How to set saving in jpeg every bit default

Tom Axford wrote:

novetan5 wrote:

In photoshop when you want to save a file, the default format setting is always "Photoshop". Most of my awarding is to be saved in jpeg. How do I command the format setting to jpeg becomes default as I wish to cut downwards ane step.

I gone thru all the commands under Photoshop Preference and don't seems possible to change the default. Or I may hv missed out.

Use "Save" if yous wish to save the current country of your editing in PS (so you can resume editing at some later time).

Employ "Export" if you wish to create a jpeg, or tiff, etc.

No, it doesn't piece of work equally you said.

Either File>Save or File>Save Every bit, either command will pop out a box and the default format ever in Photoshop (ways it gonna relieve in PSD) unless nosotros take to practice i more step and change Photoshop to Jpeg. I would have thought besides that by clicking "save" there should not have whatsoever popular out box and it shld auto save in the same location and aforementioned format. Have I miss something?

Adrian Tung

Re: How to set saving in jpeg equally default

novetan5 wrote:

Either File>Save or File>Save Every bit, either command will popular out a box and the default format always in Photoshop (means information technology gonna salvage in PSD) unless nosotros have to do ane more step and change Photoshop to Jpeg. I would have thought too that by clicking "relieve" in that location should not have whatsoever pop out box and it shld motorcar salve in the same location and same format. Have I miss something?

When you use Salvage or Salve As, Photoshop volition typically default to the same file format that the file is (with the exception of RAW files), unless you have made edits that are unsupported past the format. For example, if your edit contains layers, layer masks and so on, it volition no longer be able to default to JPG and will ask to save every bit PSD.

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OP novetan5 • Regular Member • Posts: 253

Re: How to set saving in jpeg as default

Adrian Tung wrote:

novetan5 wrote:

Either File>Salvage or File>Save As, either control will pop out a box and the default format always in Photoshop (means information technology gonna save in PSD) unless we have to do one more step and modify Photoshop to Jpeg. I would have thought too that by clicking "salvage" there should not have whatsoever popular out box and it shld auto relieve in the aforementioned location and same format. Have I miss something?

When yous use Relieve or Save Every bit, Photoshop will typically default to the aforementioned file format that the file is (with the exception of RAW files), unless you have made edits that are unsupported by the format. For example, if your edit contains layers, layer masks and and so on, it will no longer be able to default to JPG and will ask to relieve as PSD.

Ok tks. Your caption is articulate.

Only why Save or Save As open upwards the same dialog box. Even I apply the default brusque cutting key both too open upwardly the aforementioned box.

In normal word doc, I understd the function of Save or Salvage As. The onetime saved into the aforementioned folder. The latter give y'all an option to change directory and file proper name.

But in PS, both give you the selection. Why?


Adrian Tung

Re: How to set saving in jpeg every bit default


novetan5 wrote:

But why Save or Save Every bit open up the same dialog box. Even I use the default brusque cut primal both also open up the same box.

In normal discussion dr., I understd the role of Save or Salvage As. The former saved into the same folder. The latter give you an pick to change directory and file name.

Only in PS, both requite you the option. Why?


Not sure why your PS behaves this manner though.

If I open a JPG file, make some changes, and then striking salve, it saves back to the original file without dialog box.

If I open a JPG file, brand some changes, then hit save as, it opens a dialog box to ask what binder and file name (and the option to change formats, just the default is notwithstanding JPG).

If I open up a JPG file, make some changes including calculation a new layer or two, layer masks, transparency and stuff, then whether I striking relieve or salvage as, I get the dialog box that defaults to PSD.

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techjedi • Veteran Member • Posts: 4,139

Re: How to gear up saving in jpeg every bit default

Adrian Tung wrote:

novetan5 wrote:

But why Salvage or Save Equally open up the same dialog box. Even I use the default curt cutting key both also open upwards the same box.

In normal word doc, I understd the role of Relieve or Save As. The quondam saved into the same binder. The latter give you lot an option to change directory and file proper noun.

Simply in PS, both give you the option. Why?


Non sure why your PS behaves this fashion though.

If I open a JPG file, brand some changes, and then hit save, information technology saves back to the original file without dialog box.

If I open up a JPG file, make some changes, and then hitting salvage equally, it opens a dialog box to ask what folder and file proper name (and the option to alter formats, just the default is still JPG).

If I open a JPG file, brand some changes including calculation a new layer or 2, layer masks, transparency and stuff, then whether I striking save or save as, I go the dialog box that defaults to PSD.

+1 to this. The critical indicate hither is in one case you make edits that Photoshop is incapable of saving to the electric current format, information technology has to prompt you to choose a format capable of retaining those changes. So even the obviously "Salve" has to testify you the dialog because if it simply saved back over the JPG, it would accept to discard and flatten the layer data, rasterize fonts, pixelate paths and then Adobe would get support calls request where hours of editing piece of work went. After being prompted with the dialog, if you even so cull the original format of JPG, it will warn you that data volition exist lost.

It should also be noted that sometimes certain formats wont even be on the list. For example if y'all open a PNG, then alter the image mode from RGB to CMYK and make no other changes, then File..Save, yous will come across the dialog with PSD default and PNG wont be on the listing of formats since PNG does not support CMYK and cannot be saved.

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OP novetan5 • Regular Member • Posts: 253

Re: How to set saving in jpeg as default

Adrian Tung wrote:

novetan5 wrote:

But why Salvage or Relieve As open upward the aforementioned dialog box. Even I use the default brusque cut key both as well open up the aforementioned box.

In normal word physician, I understd the office of Save or Salvage Every bit. The quondam saved into the aforementioned folder. The latter give you an option to change directory and file proper name.

Simply in PS, both give you the choice. Why?


Not sure why your PS behaves this way though.

If I open up a JPG file, make some changes, and then hitting relieve, it saves back to the original file without dialog box.

If I open a JPG file, make some changes, and so striking save as, it opens a dialog box to inquire what folder and file proper noun (and the selection to change formats, but the default is still JPG).

If I open a JPG file, make some changes including adding a new layer or 2, layer masks, transparency and stuff, then whether I hit save or save as, I go the dialog box that defaults to PSD.

Tks so much Adrian for the detail explanation.

Very clear to me now.

Tks Techjedi too.


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