
How To Make Rp Icons Without Photoshop

♡ . psd tutorial

hi friends ! an anon asked if I could make a tutorial on how I edit icons to best work with my psds so if you've had whatsoever trouble getting skilful results from whatsoever of them you should def cheque out this post ! It got pretty long and then I'm going to put it nether a Read More than and then it doesn't take up y'alls dash space ♡

alrighty ! so in this tutorial I'll exist showing you how to piece of work with the psdsMELEAGER, MARS and Boob Main !

here's a general sample of icons from the exam sheet I use to make psds:


this is what information technology looks like, completely unedited, with Meleager, Mars and Puppet Master on it:


some of the icons aren't bad, but some are practically unusable without being at least slightly edited beyond just putting the psd on them. the biggest effect with most of these is merely the lighting, but in that location are two fairly easy ways to mess with the lighting of a picture. the first is the Curve Tool. yous can bring this up by hit control + M or y'all can detect it here in the adjustments tab:


it should bring upwardly a window that looks like this:


this tool will command how vivid and dark your image is by how you drag that line on the graph. pulling information technology upwards will make your images brighter and pulling it down volition make them darker. ( make certain you lot take the image layer selected though and non the psd layer ! ) for case, pulling the line up to here,


will make the icons with the psds wait like this:


whereas pulling the line downward to here,


volition brand the icons look like this:


in the first case, the 4th icon looks much better, whereas in the second example, the second icon looks better. information technology all depends on the lighting of the cap and how much you accommodate the curves. mostly, when I use curves I'll add two points; one to up the brights and one to lower the darks in lodge to provide more than dissimilarity to the image overall. this is what the graph looks like when you do that:


and this is how the icons look:


overall, this is generally the all-time way to employ curves to get the best results.

the other way that I often mess with the lighting of an image is with the Fire and Contrivance tools. depending on how your photoshop is configured it may be already on the toolbar, wherever you keep that, only for mine i have to open up a menu. this is where they are for me:


the burn and dodge tools can exist used sort of like the paint brush tool but, instead of adding colors, they'll darken the paradigm ( burn ) or lighten it ( contrivance ). and so, the forth image in is conspicuously very night, which causes the puppet master psd especially to make the girl's face very pink. hither's what the image looks like with and without the psd, before and later on I used the dodge tool:


on the "afterwards dodge" set, where the image without the psd is lighter than the before dodge paradigm, is where I used the tool. and with the burn down tool you get like results, only with a darker image instead of a lighter ane:


so those are the main ways that I lighten and darken images to get them to work well with psds. another easy style that you tin can pull out details of an image without adjusting the lighting, particularly on more than pixelated and intense psds like Mars and Puppet Primary, is to Acuminate the epitome. you can find the sharpen tool under the Filter tab at the top of your screen in photoshop:


the acuminate tool doesn't make a huge difference on larger images like I'm using for this tutorial but when you get downwardly to icons that are 100px or less in size it tin aid a lot to bring out details. here'south a pocket-sized case with the Mars psd on 60x60px images:


equally you can run across, the sharpen filter will help bring out details in the prototype that the psd on its own might blow out. sometimes, as with this image, y'all'll take to apply acuminate a second time, simply it simply depends on the image and what you remember looks best !

however, lighting is not the simply way that I edit my icons ! I as well mess effectually with the colors in them, then allow me take you through how I practice that too. With psds like meleager, which are less pixelated and harsh, the easiest fashion to manipulate colors is through the Color Rest tool which tin can exist institute in your adjustments tab here:


or y'all can just hit command + B. either manner information technology should bring up a window like this:


those sliders, depending on how yous move them, volition add more than of the listed colors to your paradigm. the cyan / cherry-red slider is the one I use the nearly, but you lot can play around with all of them. you lot should also pay attention to what part of the image that y'all're toning. above the sliders where information technology says "Tone:" you can chose betwixt these options:


if you option the shadows, however you lot move the sliders volition effect the color of the darker parts of an prototype, if you pick highlights, information technology'll alter the color of the brighter parts of the image. I generally stick to midtones because that will take the near significant result over all, but again, it's worth playing effectually with to see what you similar. for an instance, hither'southward an icon with the meleager psd before and after I adjust the color residual:


the original lighting of the scene fabricated the psd plow the daughter'south skin a very blue and almost sickly tone when the psd was added, so when you bump up the reds a little with color balance, it gives her peel a much better tone than before. similarly, if the lighting of a scene is as well warm and the psd ends up turning the subject of the image as well red / orange yous tin increment the cyans and blues to cool the image down a bit.

Finally, the terminal step in my editing process, which I've actually only started doing recently, is calculation color ( ordinarily ) to the background of icons to actually pull out the colors that the psd emphasizes. in most cases this means adding blue or red to the prototype, depending on the psd and the colors you desire. here'south the process of how I'd do this with a psd similar puppet master.

showtime you start with the psd ( subsequently adjusting the lighting and such every bit I've mentioned before ) and yous wait for where the opportunities for more color are.


in this set information technology'southward mostly the backgrounds of the images that could use a touch of color, just as well the girl in the third prototype is a ginger, so we can add some red to her hair so that it doesn't await so white and blend in with her face up. the way you do this is by using the brush tool to color over the images ON A NEW LAYER !! not on the layer that the image is on. you should end upwardly with something like these:


once you have the color down where you like information technology ( and i'd suggest looking at it with the psd on to make sure you're happy with it ! ) y'all'll then set up the layer with the colors to either"darken" or"multiply". both can exist found in the drop menu above your layers where it says "normal" as showed below.


switch between darken and multiply with the psd layer on to see which you like better. they substantially practise the aforementioned thing here just sometimes one will turn the color blackness when the psd is on then just pick whatever works all-time for that particular prototype! in the instance below it's gear up to multiply:


then, once you make the psd visible over again, your icons should expect something like this:


most of my psds dispense the reds and dejection of images so but using those to colour things should work, no affair the color of the psd. for example, Sunspot and Juniper, which are psds that generally emphasize yellows, can be easily manipulated by calculation blue which will then turn to yellow once the psd layer is visible once again. even so ! some of my ( mostly older ) psds exercise not e'er work this way. Mars, for example, isolates the colors of an epitome to mostly blackness, white and red, so the best way to add color to a psd like that would be to add scarlet wherever you like it. nigh of my psds moving forward volition likely operate on the red / blue scheme just older psds ( probably before the Fetch psd ) volition be a bit of a crap shoot, so my apologies in that location !  but, as always, y'all are welcome to enquire me if you lot need help with whatsoever of them !

anyways, that's pretty much the full process of how I edit icons ! I hope this was helpful just if you guys still have questions delight feel free to ask, I'm always happy to help so that you guys tin can have the best experiences possible with these psds ! ♡


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